Frank Lloyd Wright's Hibiya Triangle Building

Wright scholars Tetsuya Minamiseko, an architect and professor emeritus of Architecture at Kogakuin University, and Yuichi Inoue, an architect and professor of Design at Bunka Women's University, discussed the genesis and fate of one of the least known of Wright's designs for Japan.

Minamiseko studied under Wright apprentice Taro Amano and scholar Kiyoshi Higuchi before visiting every Wright building in America via Greyhound bus. He was active in efforts to save Wright's Imperial Hotel and Myonichikan. Minamiseko is a founding vice chairman of WAAJ and frequent leader of Wright tours.

Prof. Inoue has conducted extensive research into the architects who worked with Wright on the Imperial Hotel, even tracing many of their pre-WWII projects in China. He has also measured innumerable buildings by Wright and his followers. Inoue is a founding vice chairman of WAAJ.